Sunday, October 5, 2008

Laura 2 and Laura 3

I just posted this exact same post on my personal blog, but I neglected to mention that Laura K. was there too! When am I going to learn to remember to take my camera to these things?! She had never felted before and her stuff was beautiful. If you like this, check out my blog. I'll post the link to the left.  

I hope to get to knitting Thursday  (Oct. 9) as there are no kids in class on Friday!

So, I started and finished a new project all in one day! I went to a great workshop about making felted flowers at a great little local craft/book/high quality natural toys and art called Creative Hands Mercantile. I made this gorgeous flower garland in 3 hours!

In fact I think I might go embellish it a bit with a few beads.....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stolen Day

As many of us who could steal a day from our schedules did so to meet at Jake's house for a D-licious potluck lunch last week. Here are some not very good pictures of us. We were glad to get outside into Jake's beautiful yard after an uncharacteristically rainy August morning.  

I only got one close up photo and it's of my own sweater. One of the other Laura's gave me some good ideas about altering the pattern to make the sleeves and body more contiguous. I LOVE that about this group--it's more about each other than it is about ourselves.

Fleece and love always among us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Knitted Landscape

I thought you guys should see this, it's really amazing. Go to:  I would love to do this with someone(s), maybe for  Art in the Vineyard or the Celebration. Not to sell, but to look at and wonder about. Anybody interested?

I was wrong about the link's list

For some reason, I can't access the layout. I wonder if I'm no longer an administrator? In any case, the link is (see post below for details):
I don't think you can just click on it, so cut and paste into your browser address bar. See you all later!

Knitty Gritty Cancelled?

There is a petition to save Knitty Gritty. The link to it is in the links list to the left. I've only seen the show a few times, but I think Vickie Howell is a worthy Ambassador for knitters everywhere. I would watch it more if I had DIY.  

Monday, March 3, 2008

Snapping Turtle Skirt

So I finally finished my first skirt, the snapping turtle skirt from "Knitting Nature." It took some strength to pick up the 240 stitches for the trim, and I altered the waist somewhat because if I had just put in a zipper it wouldn't have stayed up. I also shortened the skirt by one full row of hexagons. The pictures are from before I finished the waist band and trim, and it's currently in the blocking stage. Also, I fixed the block with the missing second color. I thought of adding the color after I knitted that block, and so I had to undo it and re knit. That's one reason to really love this construction: If you notice an error, you only have to undo one hexagon, rather than row after row. Reasons not to love it: 2100 picked up or cast on stitches, and the zillions of ends to weave in. Of course my choice to use a second color made for more ends. I love it and I'm next going to cast on the Trumpet Skirt from "Knitting Lingerie Style." 

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Footless socks?

I was knitting away on #2 needles and skinnier-than-I-care-for sock yarn on my Over-the-knee knee-socks over break, when my mom (whom I had told earlier that I wanted to make leg-warmers) walked by and said, "Oh! Are those your leg-warmers?" I looked at her, I looked at the sock, I thought about how my sock feet never turn out the same, and I said, "You know, I think they are." I finished them off with a crocheted ruffle, so although they are tighter than the usual leg-warmer, at least they don't look like unfinished socks (which of course they are). It's a good thing too, as they don't stay up over my knee all that well anyhow! It's amazing how warm they are. I can't believe I used to make fun of leg-warmers! I guess I was subconsciously jealous.