OK, I made it here, finally.
I know that in looking around, I saw Marina's post in response to Meredith's request for info on Fall knitting retreats, but now I can't find that page, so will add this here.
There is an Ample Knitters Retreat in Ashland the first weekend in Nov, to which Marina and I are going, along with our DHs. The AKers have had a Yahoo group for a number of years, and this will be the third year for the retreat. The group focuses on issues regarding finding and tweaking patterns to fit non-standard sized people, so whether you're a plus-size or you knit for plus-sized people, or other non-standard sizes, this group helps.
I can send more info if anyone is interested. I just registered last month and there were still vacancies at the motel where we're staying.
Or if you want to head north that same weekend, the knitting guilds in the Puget Sound area convene at Ft. Worden in Port Townsend annually the first weekend in Nov. There are probably ~100 attendees. Cost is reasonable. I don't know if there are any vacancies for this year, but you can contact Pat Brunner
for more info. I went several years ago and aim to go back again sometime, maybe next year?
I may be a bit late on Thursday to Donna's; DH & I are going up to Portland for a concert Wed night and will be driving home Thurs AM, but I will be there.